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The United Arab Emirates in July 1st lifting the ban inefficient lighting

time:2017-07-29 14:15:00 browse:4100次

The UAE's ban on the sale of inefficient lights will take effect in July 1st. The move is expected to save 106 million 800 thousand a year on energy costs. The ban is a part of the United Arab Emirates indoor lighting standard, incandescent light source mainly lock up inefficient. The new standards will be based on environmental, safety and efficiency indicators.

Part of the standard also includes mercury limitations. Any lamp, including compact fluorescent lamps or LEDs, has a mercury content that exceeds the permissible level and will not get access to the country.

The ban will target 940000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions - equivalent to 165000 car emissions - in the United Arab Emirates, which does not produce or rely on imported lighting products.
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