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The LED energy-saving renovation project in Longjiawan, Huangshaxi five tunnels (underpasses) has completed pre-acceptance

time:2017-11-24 11:04:00 browse:8114次

    On July 31, 2017, our company used “Created in China” “Internet+”multi-colored temperature prevent fog and haze LED full intelligent street lamp implementation of energy-saving renovation project of science and technology in Longjiawan, Huangshaxi, Yuanjiagang, Eling, Chenjiaping tunnel in Chongqing has been fully completed. On September 6, 2017, the administration of Chongqing city lighting project construction unit, supervision company and design company for the project site pre-acceptance, participants made a high evaluation for the innovation patent products.After the meeting, Chongqing municipal lighting authority issued a special report on the completion of “Long jiawan , Huang shaxi five tunnels (underpasses) LED energy-saving renovation project has completed pre-acceptance.

The energy-saving renovation project photo-realistic of Internet+multi-colored temperature prevent fog and haze LED full intelligent street lamp in Longjiawan tunnel in Yuzhong distaict of Chongqing 

Color temperature of yellow light: 3000K  illumination uniformity: 0.6

Warm white light: 4300K   illumination uniformity: 0.6

Color temperature of white light: 5700K  illumination uniformity: 0.6

The energy-saving renovation project photo-realistic of Internet+multi-colored temperature prevent fog and haze LED full intelligent street lamp in Huangshaxi tunnel in Yuzhong distaict of Chongqing 

Color temperature of yellow light: 3000K  illumination uniformity: 0.6

Warm white light: 4300K   illumination uniformity: 0.6

Color temperature of white light: 5700K  illumination uniformity: 0.6

Chongqing Green Science and Technology Development (Group) Co., Ltd

Address:No.113, Liziba mainstreet, Yuzhong district, Chongqing  Zip code: 400043

Contact person: Chengyong Su                       Cell phone: 15823825195

人人妻人人澡人人爽人人DVD-久久久久无码国产精品一区乞丐-亚洲mv大片欧洲mv大片精品-欧美 日韩 国产 成人 在线-久久久无码国产精品无码三区三区-一级一级特黄女人精品毛片