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Fire emergency lighting and evacuation instructions products, the implementation of mandatory produc

time:2017-07-29 14:36:00 browse:4296次

Quality Inspection Bureau, Ministry of public security, the day before the CNCA jointly issued a notice, decided to implement the mandatory product certification of fire emergency lighting products and other 59 kinds of fire protection products (i.e. "CCC certification").

The announcement, since September 1, 2015, all included in the mandatory product certification directory of fire protection products, not mandatory product certification and labeling is not compulsory product certification mark, shall not be manufactured, sold or imported or used in other business activities. Since September 1, 2014, the client may submit the certification to the designated certification institution for the certification of the products. The catalogue of fire products that implement compulsory product certification can be found on the website of aqsiq.

人人妻人人澡人人爽人人DVD-久久久久无码国产精品一区乞丐-亚洲mv大片欧洲mv大片精品-欧美 日韩 国产 成人 在线-久久久无码国产精品无码三区三区-一级一级特黄女人精品毛片