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Smart LED street lighting system has attracted much attention in many cities around the world

time:2017-07-29 14:49:00 browse:4394次

Intelligent LED street lamp has gained wide attention in the market after its launch. Now many cities around the world are eager to use the intelligent LED street lighting system in the city. New Zealand's capital, Wellington, has recently planned to become the first city in the southern hemisphere to adopt an intelligent LED street lighting system. The city plans to replace all street lights in the city other than CBD as intelligent LED street lights, with a total replacement capacity of about 18000. These street lights can automatically reduce the brightness in the surrounding unattended, while the CBD area is usually out all night long, so recent and not the urgency and necessity of street lamp replacement.

In Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark, is building a public test site to test smart LED streetlights that might be used in cities. The city will be in September on the outskirts of Albert Sloan district to build a "Danish outdoor lighting laboratory (DOLL) test zone, intelligent outdoor lighting products companies will then test and test. Many people will also be invited to take the test. Copenhagen plans to achieve the city's carbon balance in 2025, and the experimental park built this time is also one of the efforts to achieve this goal.
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