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Our R & D and manufacture of two LED energy-saving street lamps, green lighting new products thr

time:2017-07-30 14:35:00 browse:4270次

The afternoon of March 14, 2013, our application of the "ten Hui card" Beijiexiaoxiang integrated detachable LED special energy saving lamp bulb "and" ten Hui card "three color temperature intelligent remote control energy-saving LED lights" for the Chongqing municipal industry "four new" products, and through the administrative authority and the city of Chongqing municipal city lighting the expert appraisal.

人人妻人人澡人人爽人人DVD-久久久久无码国产精品一区乞丐-亚洲mv大片欧洲mv大片精品-欧美 日韩 国产 成人 在线-久久久无码国产精品无码三区三区-一级一级特黄女人精品毛片