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Congratulations to our implementation of the county Kaiyang County of Guizhou province LED street re

time:2017-07-30 15:43:00 browse:4126次

Kaiyang County County of Guizhou Province, our warm congratulations on the implementation of the transformation of the LED streetlight project completed ahead of time, and has delivered. May 27, 2013 in Kaiyang County in Guizhou province "today" reported Shenyang were reported, now reprinted as follows:

Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Kaiyang County, Kaiyang County city LED street green lighting technology renovation project has been completed and put into use.

It is understood that in order to effectively reduce energy consumption, improve the image of the city, to provide a good night lighting environment, to the public in February this year, Kaiyang County and Chongqing a Technical Developing Company signed an agreement to take the "contract energy management cooperation, invested more than 900 yuan, the implementation of energy-saving LED street the city road lighting system.

After the transformation of the LED street lamp, the total power saving rate is above 60%, saving 1 million 348 thousand kwh of electricity per year, equivalent to reducing 539 tons of standard coal burning, reducing emissions of 1344 tons of carbon dioxide, 41 tons of sulfur dioxide and 20 tons of carbon oxides.

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