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Yuzhong Yuanjiagang overpass car tunnel under the LED tunnel lamp and lamp tunnel lamps save field t

time:2017-07-31 10:48:00 browse:4212次

From 19:12 on December 7, 2013 onwards, Chongqing City Lighting Management Bureau, bureau of Jiulongpo city lighting management maintenance management department and our 5 day in Yuzhong District Yuanjiagang overpass (Cai Yuan Road to Yangjiaping and to Yuan Lu by Daping food) table of the tunnel under the car, 24 hours a day on the lamp and the lamp of LED tunnel lamp comparison of tunnel measurement, which is the basis for such recognition.

At 9:15 this morning, the next tunnel, LED tunnel light and sodium lamp tunnel, Lantern Festival electricity metering test ended. Chongqing city science and Technology Bureau of lighting management chief Cheng Zongqing, Wu Song, Ceng Yi, Cao Xiaolin management section, Xiangyang, Chongqing City Lighting Management Bureau Jiulongpo maintenance management office director Xiao division, and our legal representative Su Chengyong in the Yuzhong District of Yuanjiagang overpass (Yuan Lu to Yangjiaping and to the Yuan Lu energy Daping food identification) the tunnel site car, identification results for the LED tunnel lamp lamp than tunnel lamp energy-saving 70.15%.

Chongqing green science and Technology Development Co Ltd
December 12, 2013

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