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Qiang Wei deer heart society see Chinese Federation Chairman Lin Jun of our chairman and general man

time:2017-07-31 13:54:00 browse:4547次

In November 25th, the provincial Party Secretary Qiang Wei, governor Lu Xinshe met in Nanchang China Federation party secretary, chairman Lin Jun, attended the Jiangxi Federation of chamber of Commerce of second members of Congress and Federation of Youth Committee of the Third Committee of the guests on behalf of.

Our chairman Deng Mingjian and general manager Su Chengyong attended the meeting. Qiang Wei, secretary, governor Lu Xinshe, to Secretary Lin Jun and the staff demonstrates our research and development of Chongqing "China creation" color temperature, brightness adjustable anti haze Internet plus intelligent remote control LED lamp and system, the leaders of our praise, and settled in Nanchang high tech Zone to build "Chinese creation" color temperature LED intelligent lighting industry are asked to give affirmation and support.

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