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About to the city to provide free "China haze creation" Internet plus anti haze multi colo

time:2017-07-31 14:10:00 browse:4660次

About the "fog free city" to provide "China created.""
Internet plus anti haze multi color temperature and the brightness of a new generation of.

LED intelligent lamps and lanterns (intelligent control system) trial function

The winter season, severe haze weather in North China, and the city road use ordinary monochromatic temperature LED lighting, poor comfort, low visibility, which greatly affects the quality of city road lighting, causing great security risks to traffic safety.

Five years ago, our use of a number of independent intellectual property rights of national patent technology, R & D, manufacturing "" China created "Internet plus anti haze multi color temperature and brightness. A new generation of LED intelligent lighting and control system" (see Annex), in the city of Chongqing has been successfully implemented in hundreds of case, many of the media. Reports (details: czshanghai.com).

In order to solve the problem of city street lighting safety area of severe haze, our special to these areas of the city lighting unit in charge of the product to provide free 10-20 trial, to demonstrate the new city street lighting safety and comfort. If your company intends to use this product, please arrange for the relevant departments to contact our trial, the two sides signed a free trial agreement. At the same time, please try the unit together to tell me the company intends to replace the original street lamp power, road width, lamp pole height, at that time, I Division in accordance with the data provided by the trial unit configuration, replacement lamps, sent through logistics.
Our mode of operation, generally take the form of energy management contract period of 15 years, in the premise of the government funded by additional, our investment in full implementation of color temperature energy-saving anti haze LED lighting, the use of saving electricity as a return on investment. If you intend to use this kind of cooperation to implement road lighting energy saving transformation, please contact our company.

Warmly welcome your unit to send a visit to Chongqing, we have implemented the "LED street lamp" and "tunnel light energy saving reconstruction project" case.

Chongqing green science and Technology Development Co Ltd
Address: 113 Li Zheng street, Yuzhong District, Chongqing: 400043
Contact: Su Chengyong Tel: 15823825195
Mailbox: lskjkf@126.com website: czshanghai.com
April 26, 2016


"China creation" Internet plus color temperature anti haze brightness
Remote control, new generation of LED street lamp, application of Intelligent Manufacturing Technology

50 years ago, the United States Ge Corp (General ElectricCany, GE) developed the world's first red LED, opened the history of LED. A few years ago, Internet plus color temperature and brightness. Anti fog and haze of a new generation of LED lighting application of intelligent manufacturing technology in Chongqing science and Technology Development Co. China green fruit. The birth of this technology fills the gap of "multi color" lighting of city street lights, and is a revolution in the field of manufacture and application of LED street lamps in the world. The technology meets the requirements of the central "innovation driven development strategy" and "supply side structural reform", and will replace the backward manufacturing technology of ordinary monochromatic LED lamps in street lighting.

Multi color temperature and brightness. Anti fog and haze, a new generation of LED lamp applications of intelligent manufacturing technology including intelligent controller, intelligent terminal, anti fog and haze of color temperature adjustable brightness controller, color temperature, brightness adjustable anti haze LED lighting lamps "and" intelligent hardware and software programming, automatic induction PM2.5 sensor technology, temperature sensing technology and application of a new generation of intelligent manufacturing technology, compatible with other remote intelligent control system function. The patent technology "Internet plus multi color LED lights, tunnel lights and six remote control system (ZL201520493805.4)" by the science and technology novelty has won the "novelty search report" (No: J201508016831), that is "China creation" advanced technology the one and only LED lamp application of intelligent manufacturing technology; it has been included in the "2015 year of science and technology results the SMEs of Chongqing city transformation project" (small enterprises in Yuzhong 2015 No. 188), and apply for the Chongqing Municipal Engineering Research Center [LED intelligent control technology development and reform Chongqing 2015 No. 1865].

"China creation" Internet plus color temperature and brightness. Anti fog and haze of a new generation of LED lamp applications of intelligent manufacturing technology including time, preset, always and automatic control and other control mode. Based on the ordinary monochromatic temperature LED street lamp control system, using the technology of the Internet, 4G mobile communication through wireless 

communication, wireless remote intelligent control system, by the server to a centralized controller (circuit diagram attached) commands, centralized controller log kilometers each terminal controller (circuit diagram attached) for the interconnection of news. To achieve a single lamp color temperature, brightness and anti fog haze remote regulation and control, remote monitoring and alarm function.
The new generation of LED intelligent street lamp is composed of two light source and multi color temperature lamp group (attached to the circuit diagram), and the built-in intelligent terminal controller. After the intelligent terminal controller receives the centralized controller's command, the working current of the light source is regulated, and the functions of multi-color temperature prevention, haze prevention and brightness remote control are realized.

This technology has four major characteristics: first, through the PM2.5 sensor, temperature sensor, ultrasonic sensor, radar remote camera automatic acquisition of environmental protection, meteorology, transportation, security and other information, analyze the information sharing and data services through the cloud platform. Two, in different temperature and season, according to the change of climate and environmental sensory needs people, through the temperature sensor, humidity sensor, PM2.5 sensor, intelligent remote control to achieve a variety of lighting lamps, color temperature, improve the human sensory comfort. By Cai Yuan Road Yuzhong district as an example, such as spring, autumn and winter, the light color temperature is adjustable for warm white 3500K; summer, light color temperature adjustable 5000K white light; fog, haze light color temperature adjustable 3000K yellow light, anti fog, anti haze lighting, traffic safety (temperature and temperature intelligent adjustment table attached). Three, lighting brightness can be remotely intelligent control. In different time periods, different light intensity and different traffic flow, the light can realize many kinds of brightness illumination modes through the intelligent control of photosensitive sensors, ultrasonic sensors and radar sensors. G50 Chongqing Chongqing Fuling expressway, Huashan Tieshan Ping tunnel lighting as an example, in different periods of light adjustment for a variety of lighting mode, including "daytime mode", "night mode", "summer mode" and "winter mode" and "anti haze mode", which greatly improve the saving rate, while effectively in order to solve the tunnel lighting control loop or closed interval lights caused by lighting shadow using electricity, traffic safety problems. Four, pavement brightness uniformity, illuminance uniformity, energy saving rate and other important parameters are better than the national standard of LED street lamps. This new generation of LED intelligent street lamp, a lamp can be used when more than one ordinary monochromatic temperature LED street lamp, the cost performance is higher, can improve the light efficiency of 10%, and prolong the service life of street lamps more than double. Intelligent color matching and dimming, more comfortable and energy-saving.

In September 2013, the Chongqing Municipal People's government support, I Division in the Chongqing District of Yuzhong City lawn Yuanjiagang tunnel, eling tunnel, Jiulongpo chenjiaping tunnel under the application of the technology. Chongqing City Lighting Management Bureau and Jiulongpo District Street Management Office on the lawn Yuanjiagang tunnel engineering field test, compared with the corresponding replacement of the original lamp, energy saving rate of 70.5%. The use of this technology in two years time, Chongqing Academy of Metrology and quality inspection in accordance with the "city road lighting design standards" CJJ45-2006 "and" GB/T5700-2008< > lighting measurement method for testing, the results meet the standard, and the technical indicators are better than ordinary monochromatic temperature LED lamp. After that, the technology in the G50 of Chongqing Chongqing Fuling Expressway in Tieshan, Huashan, Huang Caoshan, Ping Village, concentric Fort Temple tunnel, Nan'an District, Jiulongpo District, Shiping bridge tunnel, Nanshan tunnel, yellow dragon tunnel in Shapingba District Han Yu Road Tunnel, Yuzhong Road, Jiulongpo District, Cai Yuan Shi new road, Fuling District poly Yunshan tunnel, Yunyang Qunyi, Wangjiang tunnel over 100 large-scale applications, the use effect is good, both owners and the community widely praised.

The technology won the first place in the national LED haze reduction innovation technology competition in 2015; hundreds of media reported the technology (online inquiry: China created multi-color temperature protection haze, LED smart street lamps).

Internet plus color temperature and brightness. Anti fog and haze of a new generation of LED lamp
Application of intelligent manufacturing technology case effect display

Effect diagram of Yuen Yuan Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing

The effect of Huashan tunnel G50 Chongqing Chongqing Fuling Expressway map

G50 Chongqing Chongqing Fuling Expressway Tieshan Ping tunnel renderings

Internet plus color temperature and brightness. Anti fog and haze of a new generation of LED lamp
Application of intelligent manufacturing technology case video
Http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTM4NDI3MzY1Mg==.html from=y1.7-2 Tieshan Ping Tunnel Video
Http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTUwMzg0MjMxMg==.html from=y1.7-2, Yuen Yuen Road, videos
Http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTM4NDI3NTg0OA==.html from=y1.7-2 Huashan tunnel videos

Chongqing green science and Technology Development Co Ltd
Address: 113 Li Zheng street, Yuzhong District, Chongqing: 400043
Contact: Su Chengyong Tel: 15823825195
Mailbox: lskjkf@126.com website: czshanghai.com
April 26, 2016

人人妻人人澡人人爽人人DVD-久久久久无码国产精品一区乞丐-亚洲mv大片欧洲mv大片精品-欧美 日韩 国产 成人 在线-久久久无码国产精品无码三区三区-一级一级特黄女人精品毛片